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Fly Fishing Report | Pyramid Lake and Truckee River | early December | Fly Tying Class - CXI Special and a GT Fly

Looks like winter weather is returning to the Sierras! After an early start to the winter storm season we’ve experienced a few weeks of calm, sunny, boring weather. Finally, a...

Looks like winter weather is returning to the Sierras! After an early start to the winter storm season we’ve experienced a few weeks of calm, sunny, boring weather. Finally, a low pressure system will move in on December 1st and the forecast has a period of unsettled weather for the next 7-10 days.

Truckee River

The river has still been fishing well. We are seeing decent BWO hatches on overcast days starting around noon. Blue winged olive mayflies tend to hatch in greater numbers during low light conditions, so be on the lookout for overcast and calm days to really get into a good hatch.

(Tip: Windy days can really diminish a hatch, but finding a good eddy or slow moving current on windy days where bugs get pushed into can be a game changer)

The brown trout are wrapping up their spawn. The egg bite should continue for a while longer, as the fish are still accustomed to seeing them. Otherwise, nymphing small baetis and midge patterns, size 20-16, has been the preferred method. The river is flowing at 250 Cfs and is the temperature bouncing around day to day. With the upcoming storms expect the river to stay below 40F. Colder water means you should slow down and cover water methodically. The trout won’t move far to eat so you will have to get it near them and at the right depth.

Flies We Suggest: Gallups Jig BWO, Split Case BWO, TNT, Zebra Midge, Micro May, Perdigon, Carot, Pullover BWO, Baetis Cripple, Para Adams, Rusty Spinner

Pyramid Lake

I’m really excited to see some weather in the forecast. Fishing has been sporadic. Good one day, tough the next. The strings should bring us some consistency. Both techniques are working right now, but it’s not an all day bite on just one technique. I’ve found myself switching from retrieving flies to the indicator and doing well for a stretch, and then changing back when that bite dies off and doing well again. Have both setups ready to go. For the indicator bite most of the fish are from 10-15 feet down. I’m using a double balanced leech rig, though a few fish have been willing to take a midge. Wine, peacock, and white have all been effective leeches.

Most of the fish caught retrieving flies are close in. I don’t think the fish are necessarily close to the drop off, I think they are following/inspecting flies until they get into shallower water. Fishing one fly (boobie, beetle) has been the most productive. When fishing one fly I will typically just use 24-30” off 15lb fluorocarbon. This keeps your flies tight to the bottom with enough freedom of movement to really entice a bite.

Flies we Suggest: Booby Fly (Catwhisker, Deadpool, Dark lord), Beetle/Tadpole (Catwhisker, Deadpool, White n Tan), MopCorn Beetle, Tadpole, Pyramid Lake Bugger (Northern Lights, Midnight Cowboy), Balanced Leech (Wine, Peacock, White)

Blue Steel

Fly Tying Class with Jim Litchfield | Christimas Island Special and GT Brush Fly December 8 @ 6pm

Learn to tie the Christmas Island Special and a GT Brush Fly with RFS Instructor Jim Litchfield. Getting ready for the flats? Learn to tie a couple of the true classics. The Christmas Island Special has some unique qualities to the flats of CXI but can be adapted easily to flats anywhere. This true classic bonefish pattern is a must have for any saltwater flats box.

The GT Brush Fly can trick the “gangsters of the flat” in most situations. Often it is said that fishing for GT is more hunting than fishing and this proven pattern is the guides choice. Durable, easy to tie and having a good profile this is one that can be used for GT and other predatory species in salt and freshwater.

Jim will share his approach and methods of tying fly patterns for Christmas Island. This will include material selection, preparation and tying through the finished fly. You will have the chance to tie along with Jim and will go away with a few flies to fish on your next trip or to have to begin planning your first.

Cost is $50 and includes all materials and the use of shop vises/tools (if needed). The class fee will be discounted off the purchase of a premium tying vise from the Reno Fly Shop during the night of the class.

Call the shop today to register for the class

This class is best suited for intermediate tyers looking for a new pattern. Limited to 6 Students. Registration is on a first come basis.

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