Heenan Lake, located in Alpine County, California, is a special regulation trophy Lahontan cutthroat trout fishery perched high in the eastern Sierra Nevada. The lake is only open for fishing from September through November. Since our knowledge may not reflect the most current regulations, it's best to check the California Department of Fish and Wildlife HERE for up-to-date rules.

Early Season (September):
- Focus on deeper water early in the day
- Use a slip indicator on floating line or a fast sinking line
- Effective patterns include midges (chironomids), callibaetis, and scuds
- Fish tend to be more active in cooler morning and evening hours

Middle Season (October):
- Fish become more aggressive as spawning approaches
- Use a slip indicator on floating line or floating lines without an indicator
- Effective patterns include midges (chironomids), callibaetis mayfly imitations, and small streamers
- Watch for surface activity in the morning and evening

Late Season (November)
- Access can be difficult due to the road not being plowed in the winter
- Trout move into the shallow waters and readily eat a variety of flies on both strip and indicator presentations
- Effective patterns include midges (chironomids), leeches, and buggers
- Best time to fish is from late morning to early afternoon

Conditions to note:
- The lake sits at around 7,000 feet elevation
- Early mornings can be quite cold
- Afternoon winds are common
- Float tubes and small boats are allowed (electric motors only)
- Clear water requires stealthy approaches
Slip indicator fishing is one of the best ways to fish Heenan. With weed beds and ledges continuing around the lake, fish cruise edges in search of food. Oftentimes fish will be at the deepest depth along the weed bed while looking for food. Fish tend to be in 15-25 of water near the bottom throughout the season.
The following are some of the flies we suggest for success on Heenan Lake.