The Little Truckee River is a four and half mile tailwater that flows out of Stampede Reservoir into Boca Reservoir. This small stream is only half an hour to forty-five minutes away from downtown Reno, making for a great day trip or a quick mission before work The “LT” flows through a scenic and lush meadow before dumping into Boca. While the LT is loaded from top to bottom with wild rainbow and brown trout, they are known for being picky eaters. These trout will test your ability to present a fly effectively and match the hatch. The Green Drake hatch is mythical if you catch it. Sight fishing and patience can provide an angler with an experience to remember. A perfect stretch of water for a guided trip.

Spring (March-May)
During Spring, the flows rise on the LT. while the water may hit over 1,000 cfs, it still fishes well. Since Stampede Reservoir is a bottom release dam, a constant flow of cold and clear water rushes down. This eliminates the problem with most rivers during the spring: water clarity. The fish key in on tailwater worms, blue winged olives, and midges.
During this time the population of wild rainbow trout will spawn. Please be aware of trout redd locations and stay clear of them. If you have any questions on how to identify a trout redd please call the shop and we can help out.

Summer (June-August)
The summer is one of the most exciting times on the Little Truckee River. Pale Morning Dun (PMD) mayflies fill the riffles and shallow pools all summer long. Besides this prolific hatch, carpenter ants become an easy meal for the many fish. Green Drakes make an appearance around Father’s Day. Nymphing in the morning and fishing a dry in the evening will provide the best opportunity.

Fall (September-November)
The fall is also a special time on this tailwater. The brown trout prepare to spawn and feed aggressively on larger forage. Kokanee Salmon enter the river from Boca Reservoir and make their annual run to spawn in the rich waters. This is a great opportunity for inexperienced anglers to fine tune their skills. Browns, Rainbows, and Kokanee respond positively to egg patterns and big articulated streamers this time of year.

Winter (January-February)
With snow blanketing the Sierras, fishing the LT in the winter can be a challenge. Unless you have access to a snowmobile or are willing to hike in via snowshoes or skis, it is inaccessible (road is not plowed past Boca Dam. Midges and blue winged olives are the main food source throughout the winter.
Nymphing in the morning and fishing a dry in the afternoon will give the angler the best chance of hooking fish. European Style Nymphing is a favorite of locals. A dry-dropper setup will also fool a few fish and gives the angler some variability.
The following are some of the flies we suggest for success on the Little Truckee.