Tips and Tricks for Carp on the Fly
I N T R O : Fly fishing for carp might be outside of your vocabulary but you might be missing out. With a little re-thinking you might have an...

On-the-Water Report - Truckee River - early August 2024
Here is your on the Water Report from the Truckee River. The Truckee River’s flow has dropped since the last report. We’re looking at about 350 CFS for the downtown...

Fly Fishing Report | Truckee River | mid June 2024
The Truckee River is below 1,000 CFS through the downtown gauge for the first time this summer! The river temp has climbed a bit due to the water master moving...

MopCorn Beetle - Reinventing a Pyramid Lake Classic
The Mopcorn Beetle was introduced to anglers by the Reno Fly Shop staff in 2020. Since it has become a favorite of fly fisherman at Pyramid Lake. This is a...

Happy Hour with Matt Cullen - Pyramid Lake tactics with Garmin Striker Castable Sonar
What: FREE Presentation on using the Garmin Striker GPS at Pyramid Lake and other lakes with Matt Cullen When: November 16th at 6:00 Where: Reno Fly Shop (238 S. Arlington...

Every wonder what it would be like to fly fish the Truckee River or are you interested in refreshing some long ignored skills? We are teaching an introductory clinic for...

4 tips for fly fishing with kids
“How old do children need to be to begin fly fishing?” This is a common question we get in the shop throughout the year but especially during the hot months...

Let’s start by getting some of the obvious points out of the way. We are wrapping up the 2022-23 winter after receiving a record snowpack in the Truckee River watershed....

ON-THE-WATER REPORT | PYRAMID LAKE | early february 2023
Your On-the-Water Report from Pyramid Lake! The conditions are starting to turn transition out of deep winter and we expect things to continue to improve at the lake. We only...

Fly Fishing report | Pyramid Lake & truckee river | NEW INTEGRATED SWITCH FLY LINE
Fly fishing in the Reno/Tahoe area has improved following the storms of early January. The sunny skies as of late have given way to exceptional trout fishing across multiple waters...

Fly Fishing Report | Pyramid Lake and Truckee River | early December | Fly Tying Class - CXI Special and a GT Fly
Looks like winter weather is returning to the Sierras! After an early start to the winter storm season we’ve experienced a few weeks of calm, sunny, boring weather. Finally, a...

Fly Tying Class w/ Matt Cullen | October 18 @ 6:00 | MopCorn Beetle and the Jan's Tui Chub
Learn to tie Jan’s Tui Chub and the Mopcorn Beetle with RFS Instructor Matt Cullen. Jan’s Tui Chub and the RFS Original Mopcorn Beetle and two super effective patterns at...
On-the-Water Report | Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River | early October | Pyramid Lake Clinic October 8, 2022 w/ Mike Anderson
Flies for Pyramid Lake: NEW Sizzurp Balanced Leech, Mopcorn Beetle, Tadpole, Balanced Leech; Booby Fly, Jan’s Tui Chub, Northern Lights Bugger, Martini Olive Bugger, Scullpzilla Pyramid Lake Clinic w/ Mike...