Talk about a change in weather from this year and last. Would make some believe that we’re not even in the same fishery. No snow has landed in the valley and only a few days have had a high temperature stuck in the 30s.
What does this mean for fishing out at Pyramid lake?
Pyramid Lake
El Niño years are on average mild and wet. This means that we should get the nice storms that make the fish happy and hungry without the cold days that can send even the most hardened Pyramid angler running back to the retreat of a warm truck cab. Here’s hoping for just that scenario.
This time of year the water is still cooling, this downward trend of water temperatures will cause the fish to be sluggish and not really interested in eating. Luckily larger fish need to eat most every day to keep their engines running. It’s not uncommon this time of year to catch a few fish that are larger than average. Soon enough, the fish will acclimate to the colder temperatures and will begin to feed again.
Midge fishing under the indicator has been the most productive way to target the LCT. It’s not common to have such a good midge bite this early in the season but we will take it. Darker colored midges have been the choice target. Leeches are still working and should not be given up on yet. White, olive, and the mini jig leeches have worked too. Fish have been somewhat shallow too. We’ve landed fish on the indicator no more than 5 feet down. We’ve also landed them in 12 feet of water so change your depth until you find them. If your fishing with others make sure to stagger your depths between anglers until the correct depth is found.
The retrieve bite has been more weather dependent, and I’ve been focusing on fishing two, high contrasting, attractor flies on the more cloudy days. When fishing shallow and rocky bottom spots try fishing two buoyant flies like the Pyramid Lake beetle, booby and mopcorn.
Flies we suggest: Balanced Leech, Mini Jig Leech, Holographic Midge, Micro Holographic Midge, Booby Fly, Pyramid Lake Beetle, Mopcorn and Tadpole
Truckee River
Conditions on the Truckee River have also benefited from the mild weather so far. Water temps have risen above 40F through town and even a few degrees higher downstream. These few degrees have really woken up the fish.
All tactics have worked nymphs, beads, streamers and even some dry flies have worked on cloudier days. It seems that fish have moved into slower water but are still willing to move to flies.
Small dark colored nymphs, like the French Nymph, Spanish Bullet and Perdigon, that simulate the BWO have worked well with beads in pink and light orange getting the most grabs.
Articulated streamers with a slow retrieve have turned up some nice browns. We have used the NEW Articulated Daddy’s Money, Sparkle Minnow.
Flies we suggest: French Nymph, Spanish Bullet, Perdigon, TNT BWO, Galloup’s Jig BWO Articulated Daddy’s Money, Sparkle Minnow. Dry Flies – Pullover BWO, Parachute Adams