RFS Slip Indicator Leader

$ 19.95

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Leader Build:

  • 20′- 0.013″ Butt Section
  • MEDIUM Jaydacator w/ Bobber stops
  • 3mm Tippet Ring
  • 2′ (3x) Fluorocarbon
  • 6″ Tag- (3x) Fluorocarbon
  • 3′- (3x) Fluorocarbon
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The Slip Indicator Leader is designed to present flies at depths below what can be fished with a traditional indicator setup. Using the bobber stops to set depth, the Jaydactor will free slide on the leader between the tippet ring and the bobber stops. With this leader, you can confidently fish depths down to 25 feet. Weight is an important consideration with this leader and should be used accordingly. You can either add a split shot at the tippet ring or use heavily weighted flies to get into the strike zone fast.

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