Truckee River Flies We Suggest: Pat’s Rubber Leg, Mini Jigged Leech Olive and Black, Perdigon, Pull Over BWO, French Nymph, Parachute Adams, Fire Starter, Jigged Pheasant Tail, Carot, NEW Fire Starter, Hot Butt, Truckee River Dozen
Pyramid Lake Flies we Suggest: Holographic Midge, Pyramid Lake Buggers, Boobies (Spanish Olive, Cat Whisker, Diablo), Pyramid Lake Beetle, Jans Tui-Chub, Balanced Leech, Pyramid Lake Fly Selection
The Fire Starter is a great perdigon style jigged nymph. Effective in slightly off color water and when searching for fish. This fly is very popular in the competition scene. Represents nothing and everything at the same time!