Fly Fishing Report | Truckee River and Pyramid Lake – early December

Nov 29, 2018 | FISHING REPORT, Pyramid Lake, Reno Fly Shop, Truckee River

The Truckee River has been fishing very well. The fish have acclimated to the colder water and are feeding with regularity. We suggest not looking for numbers this time of year, but quality.

Larger fish have to continuously eat even when their metabolism is slow due to the colder water temps. Smaller fish can skip a day or two depending on their feeding habits. We’re fishing smaller darker Baetis patterns. Most of the flies that we are using are size 16 and smaller.

Using hot spotted flies like the Hot Spot can trigger a feeding response, but most of the fish are not going to move to feed.



Fish are holding in moderate to slower water, and hugging the bottom. Focusing on pockets and inside seams can prove very productive. European style nymphing will be the most productive by providing sensitivity to light takes. If the water slows down considerably it might be best to throw on an indicator to get a good drift.

With smaller flies, adding weight to your rig is key to getting down deep. Additional split shot and tungsten putty are necessities this time of year. Winter time means storms, and lower water levels. Overcast days with some precipitation and light winds will get blue winged olives to hatch by the hundreds. Look for eddy’s and slower inside bends in the river to collect bugs and feeding trout!

Flies That We Suggest: Perdigon Black #16, Zebra Midge, Micro May, Hot Cheek, CDC Red Tag, Para Baetis, Moorish May Emerger, Para Adams

Pyramid Lake

The lake has been producing massive fish in the past few weeks!! Surface temps are in the high 40’s to low 50’s and the big fish are taking advantage of the colder water. This is the period of the season that we would consider the middle season. Here is a good article prepared by Mike Anderson on transitioning from the Early Season to the Mid-Season at Pyramid Lake.

Jay and Jim at Pyramid Lake 2018

Fishing has been about a fish or two an hour, but most of the fish are 6-8 pounds and were catching a lot of fish above 10 pounds. Both retrieving flies and fishing with an indicator are producing fish. I’ve been leaning more on the indicator bite, and it has been very effective. Fish have been taking both balanced leeches and midges, And midnight cowboy and boobies for retrieving. Fish have been all over, but the south side of the lake has been more productive.

Flies that we suggest: Booby fly (Cat Whisker, Martini Olive, Dragon), Balanced Leech (Peacock, White, Olive) Marabou Midge, 49er Midge,  Midnight Cowboy, Midnight Tadpole

It’s a great time to get into a fish of a lifetime. Mike has some availability for the first part of December and later in the month on his guide calendar. Call today.  

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