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On-the-Water Report | Truckee River | early January 2024 | RFS Custom Jaydacator Leader

Aden Breckner, with your On-the-Water Report from the Truckee River. Water temps have cooled with the deepening winter. Trout have settled into their winter water and are catchable if you...

Aden Breckner, with your On-the-Water Report from the Truckee River. Water temps have cooled with the deepening winter. Trout have settled into their winter water and are catchable if you put in your time. Small dark body nymphs have been the most productive with streamers doing well on the right day.

We will benefit with winter precip starts. This should initiate the BWO in full force and can lead to some of the best dry fly fishing of the year on the Truckee R. Next week there is some precip in forecast so be ready! January is looking great for both walk trips and floats. We have dates available. Look at your calendars and give us a call before they’re all gone.

Flies we suggest on the Truckee River: Perdi Bomb, French Nymph, Galloups Jig BWO, Spanish Bullet, Perdigon, TNT BWO, Parachute Adams, RS2, BH Zebra Midge, Griffith’s Gnat, Sparkle Minnow, Articulated Daddy’s Money, Barely Legal

The RFS JaydaCator Leader is equally effective on the Truckee as it is at Pyramid Lake.

We have been making our custom leader setup using the handmade Jaydacator indicators for a while. We initially built these for use at Pyramid Lake and other stillwaters but have quickly found very effective crossover to their use on the Truckee River. This isn’t surprising in that Jay Cockrum originally designed the indicator for use on the lower Sacramento River. Finding the sensitivity and buoyancy very effective to detect even the most gentle of takes.

The information the indicator shares as to fly performance underneath is very translatable into the river setting. Try to keep these indicators riding vertically through your drift. This will allow you a better understanding that your flies are suspended and not dragging the bottom.

If you haven’t tried these yet order your Jaydacator Leader online or pick some up instore next time you are here. Let us know how it goes.

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