Cold Water, Big Fish!
The first two weeks of December have fished well at Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River. While water temperatures have been pretty cold, fish are settling in for the winter ahead. This time of year, trout activity shifts towards the warmest part of the day. You can always check the USGS Truckee River Gauge at Sparks for water temperature readings and flow measured in cubic feet per second (CFS).
We have availability on the guide calendar both before and after holidays! This is a great time of year to chase big Rainbow Trout on the Truckee or trophy Lahontan Cutthroat Trout at Pyramid Lake. Call the shop or stop by to book now.
Truckee River
The first part of December on the Truckee River has fished well for how cold water temperatures have been. If your catch rate has slowed from this Fall to worry. This time of year is about finding quality over quantity of trout. Beyond the water temperatures dipping below 40 degrees, the noticeable change over the last few weeks is the migration of trout into slower water velocities. Our best success has been found in the slowest parts of runs and the tailouts of pools. You’ll want to target water speeds slower than walking pace.
Days with the most temperature swings have fished best. The warmer air temperatures may only raise water temperatures by a few degrees, but that is usually enough to get fish feeding regularly.
Small flies are the name of the game right now. Around 10:00 am, we’ve seen a consistent hatch of dark midge. To match this bug, a size #18-20, Zebra Midge in black or red will do the trick. For the odd fish that is feeding on the surface, a Griffiths Gnat will do.
After the midge activity subsides, Blue Winged Olives (BWO) begin to hatch and move around about noon. This activity can be good to great if cloud cover is present. Conversely, wind can really beat down this hatch and make dry fly fishing difficult. BWO nymphs remain effective both before and during this hatch. A shop favorite this time of year is the Micro Mayfly. This pattern is tied with a thin body, a touch of green dubbing for some pop, and a copper bead to get down quickly. Give this a try in either a size 16 or 18.
Flies we Suggest: Micro Mayfly, Spanish Bullet, Perdigon, Jig TNT’s, Psycho May, Galloup’s Jig BWO, Baetis Cripple, Pull Over BWO, Zebra Midge, Griffiths Gnat, Barely Legal, Sparkle Minnow
We are well stocked on winter gloves, warm socks, and other cold season necessities. While you can’t control the temperature, you can control how you dress!
Stanley’s Ice Off Paste is a gamechanger for fishing in freezing conditions. This paste helps reduce the amount of ice buildup on rod guides and eyelets so you can continue to cast. To use this paste, simply apply it to each guide with your finger or a Q-tip BEFORE you start fishing! Limited quantity available in store and online HERE.
Pyramid Lake
Fly fishing in the first half of December has been rewarding for those willing to put in their time. While bites have been somewhat scarce, the size and quality of Lahontan Cutthroat has been outstanding. This is the time of year where it is seemingly harder to catch a smaller fish than a big fish (but catching any fish can be difficult).
Lahontan Cutthroat have already begun eating midge patterns under the indicator. Holo Midges and Micro Midges are a great choice on calm days when waves aren’t too big. Midges are most effective when fished near the bottom – we typically aim to put the midge with six inches to a foot off the lake bottom. As waves increase in size, try fishing larger profile flies like the Balanced Leech or Mini Jig Leech. Baitfish patterns have not been as effective recently so try the Balanced Leech and Mini Jig Leech in darker colors such as Sizzurp or Midnight Cowboy.
The strip bite has slowed a bit, but is still finding a few fish. With cooler water temperatures, trout tend to slow down and may not move as quickly or chase feed. Stripping flies has been best towards the warmest part of the day as water temperatures rise and again when the sun leaves the water towards the late afternoon. Fish are staged up at a depth of 8-12 feet. Deeper drop offs and ledges will fish best.
When stripping flies, look for a beach with a sandy bottom. The lake bottom in these zones is smooth and soft. In rocky areas, the lake bottom is jagged and snaggy. If you’re stripping flies along the bottom of a rocky beach, it won’t be long before you donate a few flies. Try stripping flies like the Pyramid Lake Beetle in Dark Lord or the Pyramid Lake Bugger in Northern Lights. Flies with some flash are good since it may help entice a chase or strike from fish.
Flies We Suggest: Holo Midge, Micro Midge, Pyramid Lake Beetle, Booby, Pyramid Lake Bugger, Balanced Leech
Garmin Striker Cast on SALE!
We are discounting Garmin Striker Cast in time for the holiday season! The Striker Cast was originally $129.95 but is on sale now for $99.95. This is the perfect gift for any Pyramid Lake or stillwater angler. Limited quantities available online and in-store.