Balanced Chub

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The Balanced Chub is new for the 2024 after high demand. This fly imitates Tui Chub minnows in Pyramid Lake and is a go to fly throughout the season when fishing for Lahontan Cutthroat. This baitfish pattern is tied on a jig hook and uses a tungsten bead to balance the presentation horizontally. This pattern is available in Olive/White in size 6 and is approximately 2.5 inches long.

The fly is tied using a pin to extend the cone or bead beyond the hook eye. This allows the fly to sit horizontally in the water and takes advantage of lake chop and wave action to create movement.

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The Balanced Baitfish is a very effective fly when fished on floating lines at Pyramid Lake and other stillwaters. They can be fished with or without indicators. This pattern can be fished in the “strike zone” for a much longer time than other patterns and this combined with the unique materials we build into our Balanced Baitfish make it a very effective pattern.

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