EP024: Mike Curtis – Head Guide at the Reno Fly Shop, Fall and Winter on the Truckee River and his come back after a bit of a break

Oct 27, 2016 | Podcast, Reno Fly Shop News

“It took me years to realize how gently a huge Truckee River trout can eat a nymph.”

-Mike Curtis, Head Guide at the Reno Fly Shop

Today we get to chat with the Reno Fly Shop Head Guide, Mike Curtis. Mike guides full time through the shop and has spent over 7 years guiding up and down the eastern Sierra both moving and still water.

Mike Curtis' day off on the Truckee River. (photo Bailie Thys)

Mike Curtis’ day off on the Truckee River. (photo Bailie Thys)

Being raised in the Reno/Tahoe area, Mike knows our local rivers like a good friend and his favorite river to guide, float, and fish during the Winter is the Nevada side of the Truckee River. The Truckee holds a special place in Mike’s heart. It has not only helped him become a confident and successful fly fishing guide but it has also allowed him to recuperate and recover from a life threatening experience.

Mike has been a common contributor to Sierra Fly Fisherman Magazine, a photographer for Jan Nemec’s book Fly Fishing Guide to Nevada and creative and successful innovator of fly patterns for our local waters.


Mike has developed the guiding and teaching skills to work with the first time fly fisherman to the experienced angler who is looking to try and land the Truckee River trout which often produces experiences of a lifetime.

Mike Curtis doing what Mike does (2016)

Mike Curtis doing what Mike does (2016)

In today’s episode we get to hear Mike share what it is like to get back into fly fishing after taking a break, how much he enjoys putting guests on fish and why he is so excited about Fall and Winter fishing on the Truckee River.

Check out www.renoflyshop.com for the up t0 date fishing reports, gear arriving in the store and upcoming events and classes. Also check out our social media sites on Instagram and Facebook where Mike Curtis and Mike Anderson, both guides at the Reno Fly Shop, are providing up to date stream side and lake side video fishing reports.  It doesn’t get any more real then these reports without going out there yourself.


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