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On-the-Water Report | Truckee River | late June 2023 | Join us in Christmas Island in February 2024

Here is your OTW from the Truckee River with RFS guide Mike Anderson. The river has come into shape quickly and is fishing very well. It is finally below 1,000...

Here is your OTW from the Truckee River with RFS guide Mike Anderson. The river has come into shape quickly and is fishing very well. It is finally below 1,000 cfs and very accessible. Most all tactics are working but the streamer bite has been especially good.

Swing by the shop and get your gear ready for a great summer season.

Flies we Suggest: UV Polar Jig, Weiss UV Jig, TJ Hooker, Nemec Stone, Neon Jig, Duracell, Fire Starter, Flying Ant, Barely Legal, Sparkle Minnow

Christmas Island in the central Pacific Ocean has reopened and is once again is living up to the bucket list destination that it has always been. Early trips are experiencing an island that looks more like it was closed for 3 months rather than over 3 years while it sheltered during the pandemic.

If you haven’t yet experienced Christmas Island or you are ready to return this next winter might be a great time. We are hosting 2 weeks in the end of February. We have openings either week or join us for both.

christmas island, reno fly shop hosted travel

If you want more information please call the shop and ask for Jim. Hope you can take a break this winter for some of the best flats fishing in the world.

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