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On-the-Water Report | Pyramid Lake and Truckee River | late October 2023

Here is Mike Anderson with your On The Water Report Pyramid Lake. The lake is now at 59 degrees. Fish are coming in shallow and are sitting from 8-22 feet....

Here is Mike Anderson with your On The Water Report Pyramid Lake.

The lake is now at 59 degrees. Fish are coming in shallow and are sitting from 8-22 feet. Stripping has been the best method from shore, which has started to get better.

The Truckee River is fishing well and the brown trout are all colored up and getting close to spawning. Smaller nymphs, crayfish, and streamers have been working well!

Pyramid Lake Flies We Suggest: Tui Chub, Perch Fry, Pyramid Lake Beetle, Booby, Pyramid Lake Bugger, Marabou Super Jigs

Truckee River Flies We Suggest: Spanish Bullet,Perdigon, Jig TNT’s, Psycho May, Galloup’s Jig BWO, Baetis Cripple, Pull Over BWO, Griffiths Gnat, Barely Legal, Cheech Leech, Sparkle Minnow,Dolly Llama, Truckee River Dozen

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