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Happy Hour Sept 21 | Sam Sedillo, NDOW | 2023 State of the Truckee River

HAPPY HOUR SERIES STATE OF THE TRUCKEE RIVER 2023 SAM SEDILLO – NV DEPT OF WILDLIFE What: FREE State of the Truckee River Presentation and Q&A with Sam Sedillo When:...




What: FREE State of the Truckee River Presentation and Q&A with Sam Sedillo

When: Thursday – September 21st at 6:00

Where: Reno Fly Shop (238 S. Arlington Avenue, Reno)

Details: Sam will present the most recent results of NDOW’s sampling of the Truckee River and discuss the overall “State of the Truckee River”. This presentation will be an up-to-date glimpse of the fish concentration and distribution. Sam will be able to compare the most recent data against the sampling data from previous years.

This will be a low key and social event. Much like other Happy Hour events we have hosted this will get going right after we close the shop and Sam will start his presentation by 6:15. This is a BYOB event.

After the presentation Sam will answer questions from the audience and will be available after the presentation during the social time to dive deeper into topics that are of interest to members of the audience. This is a live event and will not be filmed or broadcast.

If you have any questions or need more details give us a call, 775-323-3474, or stop by.Sam Sedillo works for the Nevada Department of Wildlife as the regional Fisheries Biologist for Washoe and Storey Counties and manages and surveys the Truckee River through Nevada. Sam began working for NDOW in early 2022 but has been working in fisheries since he graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Natural Resources and Fishery Biology in 2014. Sam is an avid angler and has been fishing waters within his region such as the Truckee since 2015.

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