EP003: Darin Elmore – Carp Fishing, 2016 Gear Review and September Events | Fishing Report Sept 3, 2015

Sep 3, 2015 | Fishing Report, Podcast, Pyramid Lake, Reno Fly Shop News

In Episode 3 of the Reno Fly Shop Podcast I sat down with Darin Elmore to chat about fly fishing for carp, how the Truckee is going to hold up during this summer and new gear for 2016.

For those who don’t know Darin, he is a 5th generation Nevadan who was born and raised right here in Reno. He started fly fishing and working at the Reno Fly Shop at young age of 11.

He worked for Dave Stanley at the original Shop for over 10 years. During that time he guided locally for a couple of summers before going to Montana State University in Bozeman where he earned Marketing degree.

He loves to bird hunt behind his dogs as much as he does to fly fish.  He has fished all over the place and has chosen the carp as one of his favorite freshwater species.


Main Truckee River (between Little Truckee confluence and east Verdi)

Cooler nights have really brought down water temps.  We have observed and have been hearing reports from others that water temps are between 58 and 65 degrees.  This lower temp is great for the main stem of the Truckee. Water is still low. A bit over 100 cfs at the Farad Gage.  A few warm days and/or nights can change this quickly.  Remember to bring your thermometer and use it.  Give the trout a rest when water temps are over 68 degrees.

It should be noted that when reporting temps and fishing conditions on the main Truckee River.  The Reno Fly Shop is referring to the reach between the Little Truckee confluence and River Bend in Verdi.  We do not suggest fishing the main river below this diversion for trout.  The Truckee Meadows Water Authority is diverting ALL of the water from the river into a canal (Mogul gage).  The fish are potted up and are simply trying to survive.  Give these trout a rest.

High sticking and indicator nymphing have been working with stoneflies, crayfish and dark nymphs.  We are hearing reports of sporadic PMD hatches mid morning but haven’t caught one yet.

Nymphs: Sextone #10, Stonedaddy #10, Dead Drift Crayfish Olive, Carotene #12 and #14 and Flashback Pheasant Tail #14 and #16

Little Truckee River

The LT Habitat Improvement Project that we reported on in EP001 of the RFS Podcast was thought to have been done by Sept 4.  Things are moving a bit slower than anticipated.  Dave Lass, TU, let us know it will be a week or so more.  The LT is still at low conditions. Hang in there, from what we have seen they are making progress and it should be a good project when they wrap up.  We will let you know as soon as we hear a date that we can go check things out.

Lower Truckee River

The carp fishing has slowed with the cooler water temps. There are still some great sight fishing to be had you might just have to pick your day a bit more carefully.  As you can hear in Episode 3 of the RFS Podcast ideal water temps for carp activity is 65-78 degrees.  Don’t be surprised as the water temps go down into the lower range that the bass fishing picks up.  There are quite a few bucket mouths out there are starting to get to a size that are pretty fun on a fly.

Flies: Dad Crayfish Gray and Peacock, Pickyfish Damsel and Flash Buggers #10 (all colors)

Pyramid Lake (October 1 Opener)

September weather will let us know mostly what to expect at the Lake on the opener.  Typically warmer water temps have the baitfish concentrated in shallows with the trout swinging up from depth to pick them off.  When we find the baitfish we typically have a good shot at catching trout in the shallow water.  Most LCT will be found at 15-30 feet where they will be sitting in the cooler temps.

Indicator fishing from tubes and pontoon boats can be productive but we have found that stripping bugger/boobie combos on shooting heads is the more productive.  We will have your boobies again this year and we have ordered a bunch to be commercially tied so we hope quantities are not an issue.  We think that this exclusive fly to the Reno Fly Shop will again be one of the season top producers.

We will be feature Mike Sexton on Episode 4 of the RFS podcast.  Mike introduced Pyramid Lake LCT to the Boobie last year and it simply crushed it.  He will talk about where the Boobie originated, how to fish it and what he thinks makes it such a killer pattern.  The Podcast should be available mid September.

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