Summer League | Week 2 and overall standings

May 18, 2022 | League, Reno Fly Shop News, Technique, Truckee River

Anglers during Week 2 of the Summer League started to put some fish on the board. Water levels had dropped and temps had increased versus Week 1. Some movement on the overall and big fish boards

Here is the overall leaderboard through week 2

AnglerTotal Inches Through Week 1Total Inches Through Week 2Total *
Alex H58.7517.7576.5 [2]
Dave K1710.7527.75 [2]
Justin K02121 [+1]
* [ number of weeks in position]

Justin was made the most move by catching a beautiful brown trout. That moved him up into the 3 spot on the overall board and into the top spot in the big fish table.

Week 3 is this Saturday (05/21). We get started at 0745 here at the shop. Spectators and Walk-in competitors are encouraged.

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