EP033: Matt Gilligan Koles – Truckee River response to the winter of 2017, fly fishing during high water and fly fishing with meat

Jul 5, 2017 | Podcast, Reno Fly Shop News

“The Truckee River is going to be in great shape coming out of this winter and going into the summer and fall. It will be epic.” – Matt “Gilligan” Koles

The last time Matt “Gilligan” Koles was on the podcast we chatted about what to do during a drought on the Truckee River. We thought it was fitting to get back together to talk about what it was like making it through the winter of 2017 living in Hirschdale along the banks of the Truckee River and most importantly how the system has responded to historic flows and a remaking of the river channel.

Matt with his very successful guide service, Gilligan’s Guide Service, really never missed a beat during the high flows and actually Matt at times surprised himself when catching trout during high off colored water situations.

Gilligan also shares how he fished the high water, what flies he uses and some of the tactics he found most successful. It is no surprise to many that follow his blog and his Instagram account that he can put clients on fish but it might be a surprise how he does it consistently and how me also has his challenges.

I hope you enjoy this second episode with Matt and can take away from it both his and my enthusiasm and belief that the Truckee River is in great shape following this historic winter and that we are going to have an epic season and several years to come! I hope you enjoy!

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A couple of Gilligan’s favorite summer fly patterns on the Truckee River are the Skipper Stone and the G6 Caddis. Get ready for this summer season by grabbing some for your fly box by swinging by the shop.

Skipper Stone

G6 Caddis




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